Sunday, August 23, 2015

Catching up: Mail from Gina Ulgen, Keith Chambers and Linda French

Wow of wow where does the time go. I have been very remiss in keeping current with my blogging of mail art, and even worse--MUCH worse--in repaying the kindness and creative energies of my correspondents. So here's a trot in the right direction.

 First step:

Very classy mail art piece from Gina Ulgen. Numbered 19/50, this is one of an edition Gina sent out from Norwich in July. I really love the vintage feel of the envelope. The card itself is a sweet little collage of The Queen's Chamber---very Versaillesque--with Marie herself--or a clone--standing in to be chilled by a giant Edwardian fan. Not too obvious in this scan is a sweet little golden bead embellishment hovering about the queen's bustle. Gina, dear, whatever are you thinking...


And another step:

From the epitome of Horror Vacuii to the damn dead simple with a card from Keith Chambers. It's also got a touch of vintage feel to it in that the card is a kind of old-fashioned oaktag paper with a faux-weathered rim of golden-orange.  The little pearl of wisdom--or is it simple foolishness?--written thereon makes for the sort of poetry my aging brain is prepared to handle these days.

and then a hop-skip-jump to a tiny envelope from Linda French:

A really cool envelope made of Linda's wonderful monoprinting and stamping. Love the colors, textures, pen-scratchings... and especially the little being on the label in orange and on the rearside in black. Inside the envelope was a gem of a mixed-media ATC.

This peace, titled 9/11, is both powerfully scary and playful...if such a concept can be joined to an evocation of great tragedy.  Really quite a treasure.

Thanks so much to Gina, Keith, and Linda. I will be visiting your inboxes ASAP!
