Gorgeous paper envelope! Stamped references to trash and to DKult Doodle Therapy! The queens visage and Royal Mail! Oh I knew immediately where this gem was coming from. Rebecca Guyver, of course!!!
My long-awaited-and-forgotten copy of TLP #7: Doodle Therapy by Rebecca and Figgy Guyver, Lucky Pierre, Katy Kehoe, and moi. Masterful!
And the next hing in the price packet is....OOPS! A starter folio of pages from TLP #8: "Before The Sunset Fades." and a note from Bekkums thanking me and reminding me that I promised PROMISED to contribute to this "DKult classic in the making." Well, of course I did not contribute. I failed miserably to keep my promise. Perhaps it's not too late, I thought...but NO. A tiny bit of research confirmed quickly that TLP #8 is long since off the presses and in circulation. Well...I hope there is a #9 and 10 and 11 in the planning stages, and that I might get another shot at contributing to these Doodle Therapy masterworks.
From the Solar Plexus of DADA came a sweet card from my Homey, Lynn Radford, during her sojourn at Black Mountain School.
That's mail art the way it 'posed to be! Thank you, Lynn!
While on my sabbatical, I found a new friend/correspondent...or, rather, she found me. But the bennies are all mine. A great stash of cards from Marya Dawn. Fun fun fun collages, each with a bit of reservedly sexy charm. Love them all!

My true-bluest correspondent throughout this time of my wandering from the flock has been Dave Stafford. I stay in touch with Dave via FB and Flickr as well, but here are three wonderful M-A bits from Dave, which he always addresses to both me and my sweetie. Thanks for the mailart and the friendship, Dave. I know you're not keeping score, but I hope to catch up anyway.
First for your consideration comes the lyric of Dave's latest attempt to break into the Nashville music scene...while traveling in San Francisco.
The next is one of those classic bits of serendipitous TrashPo Divine. A found postcard with a Profound message already inscribed by an unknown author.
And finally, as a stark reminder of my own recalcitrance, I am just now to the point of acknowledging the glorious holiday magic and love of Dave's promotion of my Scrubbing Weasel line being carried exclusively by Barfa Spew-Art Gifts and Crafts. Hopefully we will soon see these prominently displayed at the Flagship Wal-Marth Supercenter in Cascadia.