Thursday, March 5, 2015

My Activity Book: Mind-Boggling Mail-art from Vizma/Sparkle

 A fat parcel from Sparkle!

This is, without a doubt, one of the most incredible mail-art gifts ever. EVER!!!. Vizma Bruns aka Sparkle Brown, who dwells in the land at the bottom of the land downunder, makes totally magical and endlessly fascinating bookies, and this one is nothing short of amazing. I enjoy blogging because I like to write, and I could write a tome about this, but I actually find myself stammering and stuttering, cast about for words. No. no more words from me. Just take some time to enjoy this "activity book" from Vizma designed, I suppose, to keep me entertained while continuing my convalescence from surgery. Please click on these pix and blow them up to see them in all their glorious details. 

 Does this really have to count for my birthday present as well? Does that mean no more sweet Vizma mail until after 12-21-15? Oh I hope not. Remember there is always our anniversary!

One more pic. Here's the dinosaur unfolded. Now all I have to do is figure out which folds are mountains, and which are valleys. This should keep be out of trouble for a while.


Viz, thank you so much. XOXOXO...

World Banana Fortnight?: Incoming from Dean and Rose

And the banana harvest continues, this time from overseas quarters; namely, from Dean in Paris and Rose in Victoria. Now if I could just figure out what "golden banana stands" might be...must be a French thing. :-} Just the same, I love the crazy-quilt nature of this card, not to mention its lopsided parallelogramitude.

From Rose comes a lovely gown of bananas and ostrich (or maybe emu?) feathers sported by David Livingston himself! Amazing fashion design from way down under in southeastern Oz.

Thanks, Dean and Rose for stretching the joys of World Banana Day all the way to March 5th.