Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Cows, race cars, donkeys and doodles: Love my mail from Carina Granlund

There is never much doubt where a mail-art parcel is coming from when it comes from Carina Granlund. No two are ever the same, but they all look like Carina's!

I mean, really...who else would be sending an envelope with a litho of some old farm scene on one side and an auto racing form on the other?

And just stick with one of those themes, inside there is a vintage photo of a Finnish racing car champ from 1906?

 And just since consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds, and there is nothing small about Carina's mind, there are pages of doodling-art supreme, complete with a mea culpa about a missed banana-art opportunity:

But Carina's art really shines in these two pieces:

 Yes, Dear Friend, I am back on my feet and moving...a bit slowly at first, but...

That said, I'm still not smokin'. Haven't done so in 18 years.

 I haven't the foggiest idea about what the  Karin Kessel affair might be, but the pen and water color drawing is simply wonderful.  Thank you sooooo much,  Carina. Your mail-art friends really do wish you would come on over to IUOMA (and TrashPo) on Facebook.  We're all reading and following on Ning, but you are missing some good times!  Thanks for the art and the love: xxxooo!

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