Tuesday, January 13, 2015

WOW--Two in One Week!: Playing "VideoGame" with Linda French

Having made it through a prodigious pile of wonderful mail-art that has been awaiting my opening, enjoying, documenting and acknowledging, I have come to a small, enchanting card from Linda French in Minnesota, USA. Linda had also sent me a wonderful little package of materials to spark my creativity and keep me off the streets, but this card had slid to the bottom of the deck, and I am thrilled to share it here.

The card is approximately 3x5" heavy stock with rounded corners. The front of the card could be painted, but I am more inclined to see it as a monotype made of impressions of leaves or similarly shaped pieces, circles, and brush strokes, all punctuated by hole-punch circles. The blue hummingbird postage stamp is perfect!

The back is a gorgeous, elaborate doodle of circles, rectangles, lines and dots of blue and white inks/paints on a metallic-silver ground. Three little red figures make the whole thing pop and spin.

Thanks, much, Linda. It's a sweet card, and it will be a challenge to come up with a proper reciprocal!

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